Korea’s 4 Social Insurance Rates

South Korea has four major social security schemes: 1) national pension; 2) national health insurance & long-term care insurance; 3) employment insurance; and 4) workers’ compensation insurance.

The insurance rates are increased or adjusted annually, with those shown below the latest updates from 2022.

Item Employee Employer TOTAL RATE Expected Monthly Contribution (TTL) Note
Case 1. Monthly salary 6,000,000 won Case 2. Monthly salary 3,000,000 won
National pension  국민연금 4.50% 4.50% 9.00%                      471,600                      270,000 Max contribution 452,700 won
National health insurance  건강보험 3.495% 3.495% 6.99%                      419,400                      209,700
Long-term care insurance  장기요양보험 6.135% 6.135% 12.27%                      51,460                      25,720 Based on NHI
Employment insurance  고용보험 0.80% 1.25% 2.05%                      123,000                        61,500 Rate depends on number of employees
Workers’ compensation insurance  산재보험 0.7%~18.6% 0.7%~18.6%                        60,000                        30,000 Rate depends on type of business
Total 9.01% 10.46% approx. 20%                      1,738,500                          912,900

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