Category Archives: Tax

Understanding Zero-Rate VAT in Korea

In Korea, the standard VAT rate is 10%. Similar to other countries, Korea exempts certain transactions from VAT. Specifically, when a Korean resident company provides services to a foreign entity, VAT can be exempted under the following conditions. It is crucial for foreign corporations engaged in frequent international transactions to understand these criteria, as it […]

Not VAT Deductible Purchases for Businesses in Korea

The Korean VAT Laws specify certain purchases are not deducible (10% VAT not refundable) for the companies. For example, VAT payments on following purchases are not refundable: Books, medical expenses, fuels, parking, car maintenance fees, leisure expense such as golf, etc., luxury item purchases, public transportation expenses, tickets (i.e., movies), beauty shops, etc.   References: […]

Global Mobility Services (GMS)

We see many companies face employment issues especially in relation to international assignment programs. With many years of experience in GMS field, we proudly offer tax strategies and advisory services that can help international assignment program in a cost efficient manner. How we can assist you I. Foreign employees assigned to Korea by foreign companies […]

Determination of Tax Residency in Korea: Korean Tax Law Basics

_MINF6920080211223621_7020121217170651_Certificate of Residence   If you’re a tax resident in Korea, it may effect on your home country’s tax return. Thus, determination of your tax residency status is critical for your tax filings in Korea. General rules for tax residency test for INDIVIDUALS Resident : taxed on world-wide income In principle, a resident refers to […]

English-speaking Bookkeeping in Korea

Korea can a challenge if you’re an English speaker looking for a good bookkeeper, but Korean Tax Experts handle all kinds of accounting issues. Here is a summary of the bookkeeping services any reliable accountant will provide for you. Get in touch with us if you’d like to have these services delivered by a proactive […]

Penalties on withholding taxes

In Korea, withholding tax return is normally required to be filed every 10th of the following month. Also, a yearly report on the payments’ report which were subject to the withholding taxes are required to be filed once a year. Failure to file and report the withholding taxes will result in following penalties. Item Calculation […]

2018 세법개정안

매년 7-8월에는 기획재정부에서 세법개정안을 발표하고, 그 내용이 연말 국회를 통과할 시에 적용되고 있습니다. 기획재정부에서는 올해 8월 2일 2018년도 세법개정안을 발표하였습니다. 아래 링크를 통해 세법개정안 보도자료를 참고하시기 바랍니다. 2018 Tax Reform Proposals