Category Archives: Social Tax Rates in Korea

Korea’s 4 Social Insurance Rates for 2024: What You Need to Know

  The image is sourced from the National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) of Korea. For more detailed information, you can visit their official website.       In Korea, both employees and employers contribute to several social insurance programs designed to provide financial security and support for workers. For 2024, these contributions are distributed across […]

Korea’s 4 Social Insurance Rates for 2023

There’re 4 major social insurances in Korea for all employees to be enrolled: 1) national pension, 2) national health insurance and long-term care insurance, 3) employment insurance and 4) workers’ compensation insurance. Each year, some of the insurance rates are increased or adjusted. Following rates are applicable for 2023. Item Employee Employer TOTAL RATE Expected […]

Korea’s 4 Social Insurance Rates

South Korea has four major social security schemes: 1) national pension; 2) national health insurance & long-term care insurance; 3) employment insurance; and 4) workers’ compensation insurance. The insurance rates are increased or adjusted annually, with those shown below the latest updates from 2022. Item Employee Employer TOTAL RATE Expected Monthly Contribution (TTL) Note Case […]

Korea’s 4 Social Insurance Rates for 2021

There’re 4 major social securities in Korea: 1) national pension, 2) national health insurance and long-term care insurance, 3) employment insurance and 4) workers’ compensation insurance. Each year, some of the insurance rates are increased or adjusted. Especially, rates for national health insurance and long-term care insurance are increased every year. During covid-19 season in […]

Korea’s 4 Social Insurance Rates for 2020

Each year, the Korean Social Insurance Companies announce their insurance rates for the upcoming year. It’s been announced that Korea’s social insurance rates for 2020 will be as below. At this moment only the Workers’ Compensation Insurance rate for 2020 has not been confirmed by the government. Item 2019 2020 Note Employee Employer TOTAL RATE […]